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Management as Leadership
Much of what comes to mind when we think of management positions are actually leadership roles. Physicians demonstrate leadership all the time in clinical environments, so why aren’t we better at management?? “Learning to lead is no small undertaking. Physicians, as bright, well-trained, and dedicated as they may be, are no better prepared to lead than anyone else. In a sense, choosing a managerial career is, for a doctor, starting over. It means, sooner or later, leaving clinical practice behind. Unlike potential managers in exemplary corporations, physician managers seldom operate in an infrastructure designed to identify and develop leadership talent. They are left largely on their own, to sink or swim.” [1]
Physicians can end up in management positions in a variety of ways and the six most common in order of frequency are:[1]
Medicine values autonomy and independence, clarity of thought and decisive action, there is not a lot of time to arrive at consensus before critical decisions in medicine. Physicians often equate teams and leadership with sports teams and seem to be happiest when calling all the plays. Leadership and management are about finding common ground and bringing out the best in other people.
Six transitions for physicians becoming managers have been identified, these can be divided into psychological adjustment and skill acquisition.[1] Psychological adjustments:
New skills or abilities:
Medicine can be seen as a fairly logical world, based on fact with (usually) logical and predictable consequences. The range of possibilities, options and outcomes are fairly limited “the world has one kind of order, based on fact, linearity, and logic.” “The world of management and organizations seems to have a different basis for its rationality. One of the first shocks any new manager faces is that logic and rationality, as defined in other professions, are not the same in management.” “It is a jolt that facts alone don’t always triumph, that people don’t automatically rally around logic, that power and position and differing perspectives all influence outcomes.”[2] Stepping into management takes us, as physicians, outside our comfort zone, the skills that we value and that have served us well don’t seem to work as well and our expert knowledge is no longer needed. The hierarchies in management differ from hierarchies in medicine
Working outside of comfort zone – leadership and critical thinking are the valued skills not unique expert knowledge of the problem at hand. It could be argued that the medical approach to problems - history, physical, investigations and frequent reevaluation is a framework that could be applied to any problem or situation but given the difficulties we, as a profession, have had moving into management positions it would seem that the transferability of our skills is neither automatic nor intuitive.
_________________________________ 1. Clair, JA, McCall, MWJr. Why physician managers fail - part one. Physician Executive.1990;May-June:6+. Clair, JA, McCall, MWJr. Why physician managers fail - part two. Physician Executive.1990;July-August:8+. accessed: September 9, 2011. 2. Clair, JA, and McCall MWJr. In transit from physician to manager - part 1. Physician Executive. 1992;March-April:3+. Accessed September 9, 2011. Clair, JA, and McCall MWJr. In transit from physician to manager - part 2. Physician Executive. 1992;May-June:15+. Accessed September 9, 2011. |