CanMeds Communicator Informed Consent | |
References for this Section1. Murray E., Charles C., Gafni A. Shared decision-making in primary care: Tailoring the Charles et al. model to fit the context of general practice (2006) Patient Education and Counseling, 62 (2), pp. 205-211. 2. Liana Fraenkel and Sarah McGraw J Gen Intern Med. 2007 May; 22(5): 614–619. What are the Essential Elements to Enable Patient Participation in Medical Decision Making? 3. France Légaré, Stéphane Ratté, Karine Gravel, Ian D. Graham Patient Education and Counseling December 2008 (Vol. 73, Issue 3, Pages 526-535) Barriers and facilitators to implementing shared decision-making in clinical practice: Update of a systematic review of health professionals’ perceptions 4. Stuart MR, Lieberman JA. The fifteen minute hour: a short-term approach to psychotherapy in primary care, third edition. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2002. 6. Powers BJ, Trinh JV, Bosworth HB. Can this patient read and understand written health information? JAMA 2010 Jul 7;304(1):76-84. 7. Paasche-Orlow MK, Taylor HA, and Brancati FL. Readability Standards for Informed-Consent Forms as Compared with Actual Readability. N Engl J Med 2003;348:721-6. accessed September 14, 2010 8. Sudore RL, Landefeld CS, Barnes DE, Lindquist K, Williams BA, Brody R, Schillinger D. An advanced directive redesigned to meet the literacy level of most adults: A randomized trial. Patient Educ Couns. 2007 Dec;69(1-3):165-195. |