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learning FROM other professionals - Teams
How do we best learn from our colleagues? Interprofessional education is a team activity, and in order to enjoy and have success with interprofessional education we need to know a bit about teams:
Team Development
In 1965 Bruce Tuckman published a paper proposing a predictable set of stages through which a team will pass while developing[1] 1. Forming - the coming together of a group 2. Storming - the articulation and sorting of various needs, wishes and goals 3. Norming - coming to a an agreed way of being/working together 4. Performing - working together as a well functioning team 5. Adjourning/mourning - not about the function of the team, but an acknowledgment that the experience of being in a team effects us Much has been written on this, but it is important to know that teams are organic, they grow and change and develop over time.
Task vs. ProcessThough teams are formed to complete a task or for a purpose (what gets done), there is a lot of process (how it gets done) that happens to make a team work and to keep it working. There must be a balance between task and process. There are times when one is more appropriate than the other. In an emergency it is clear that the task is more important than the process. Having said this, a team with good process may be more effective at the task.
Roles in groupsJust like there are many leadership styles there are many roles that people play in teams[2] Start the Task-oriented Group Roles Activity Start the Social Group Roles Activity Start the Individualistic Group Roles Activity
The next time you are in a team take a mental step back and look at how the team is working and what roles people are playing. See if you can help the team by playing a role that balances out the other roles and moves things forward, even if it isn’t a role that comes to you easily. MeetingsWhen working in a team it is necessary to have meetings. Whether these are formal or informal it is important to have an agreed upon structure. Some examples of this include;
It is important for people to be able to express opinions and make constructive comments. There are a few ways of doing this that can keep things from getting ugly.
Sometimes it is necessary to say difficult things and it can be helpful to make a sandwich - find positive comments with which to sandwich the difficult comment. It is easier to embrace constructive feedback if we can feel good about some aspects of our performance and work to improve it rather than feeling judged. " I really appreciate the extra work you did to bring a variety of perspectives to our discussion today, perhaps in the future we could put new topics on the agenda rather than getting off on a tangent, it is clear that you are really interested and committed to this work"
There is much to learn about working in teams, and communicating effectively, this is not meant to be comprehensive but to give you a sense that there is lots that can be done to make team work fun and supportive.
_________________________________ 1. Tuckman, Bruce. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological bulletin, 63, 384-399. There is a link to a reprint of this paper from the Wikipedia 2. content for the group roles activities from: accessed August 24, 2007 |