Finally, you talk to Betty about the risks and benefits of being pregnant as a teenager and ask her about her thoughts with respect to pregnancy.
While we’ve already discussed the risks and benefits of pregnancy and parenting, some particular risks in adolescence include:
Mom - Increased pregnancy-induced hypertension, anemia, STI in pregnancy, and maternal mortality [2]
Mom - Difficulty completing school, restricted career and economic opportunities, increased risk of poverty [7]
Baby - Premature birth, low birth weight, neonatal mortality [1]
1. Garriguet, D. Early sexual intercourse. Statistics Canada, Catalogue 82-003. 2005: 16;9-18.
2. Klein, J.D. Adolescent Pregnancy: Current Trends and Issues. Pediatrics. 2005: 116; 281-286.
7. Bissell, M. Socio-economic outcomes of teen pregnancy and parenthood: A review of the literature. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 2000: 9(3);191-204.